Teaching Kids About the Bible (Using the Children's Catechism Questions 14 and 15)

Teaching kids about the Bible from the Children's Catechism questions 14 and 15, includes a free printable Psalm 119:105 coloring page!

Today we'll be covering Questions and Answers 14 and 15 from the Children's Catechism:

Q. 14. Where do you learn how to love and obey God?
A. In the Bible alone.

Q. 15. Who wrote the Bible?
A. Holy men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

This post is in a series of posts working through the Children's Catechism! For more information on how this started, be sure to read the beginning of this earlier post. My kids I'm working on this with are 6, 4, and almost 2.

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To get us started, we listened to some music covering today's questions (all through our easy Amazon Unlimited Membership*):

Then we broke the questions down. I think it's really helpful to walk through the questions and really discuss what the words and concepts mean so that even if my kids can't remember the exact wording later, they will (hopefully) remember the big ideas. (Although, for lots of the questions just talking about the questions can help kids remember the answers as well.) 

You may say things like:

Do we learn how to love and obey God from reading the back of a cereal box? Or from the inside of a Laffy Taffy wrapper? Or from our joke book?

Even though you are being silly, your kids will probably be yelling "No!" And then you can say - but where do we learn then? And they will yell "In the Bible alone!"  Keep asking the silly qustions and they will keep repeating the same right answer! In no time, it'll be memorized.

Then you can make it a bit more practical (especially if you're incorporating older kids) by asking, Do we learn how to love and obey God from what our friends say? Or based on what we think we should do? Then we can talk about how it's important to understand that God's word is set apart for us to teach us how to love and obey him because it's from Him to us. We can know truth based on God's word but oftentimes our own feelings don't line up with that truth.

Free Printable Coloring Sheet of Psalm 119:105

Since we were talking about the Bible, we obviously wanted to bring in a Bible verse about the Word of God! I made a super simple coloring page of Psalm 119:105 so we could memorize it together as well.

If you'd like the same simple printable, you can download it here!

In this conversation, we also talked about the importance of listening to God's word preached on Sunday mornings. While a Sunday morning sermon can be really hard for little kids to understand, we can discuss the sermon (as well as the many other parts of the service that communicate the gospel) at their level with them after we leave church.

When we got to these two questions, I knew I wanted to do something that would reinforce the importance of Scripture in our home. So, it (obviously) started with an idea and a trip to Hobby Lobby! I walked out the proud owner of a new chalkboard / chicken wire / clothespin hanging thing (I found the exact same one online that I picked up in store - see it here).

I wanted something where the Bible verse could be on paper (instead of chalkboard or dry erase) so we could keep them after the fact to go back and look at what we've memorized (and have a way to repeat verses easily as well). This worked perfectly and was cheap! It doesn't look amazing - but it's working! It is in the hallway at the top of stairs between the kids' bedrooms so we see it often.

I also bought this poster (so cheap!) to hang up so we could work on the books of the Bible over time.

That's it - nothing too crazy! Remember to grab some little moments as often as you can to talk to your kids and it will make a big difference over time!

If you found this post helpful, be sure to save it on Pinterest!

For a list of all the best catechism resources, be sure to check out this page.

*If you're interested in trying out Amazon Music Unlimited, you can start your free trial by clicking here.