Catechism Songs - Part Two: First Bible Truths

Today, we're looking at another collection of songs with the Children's Catechism questions and answers. The album is called “First Bible Truths” by Family Devo. My kids love these songs! I will admit they qualify as stop-and-have-a-dance-party type songs. They advertise them as "not your normal cheesy, kids Christian music..." and I think they really deliver on that promise. In addition, there is also quite a variety (listen long enough and you'll even hear some rap!). 

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Where the Ask Me Whooo series of songs are just the catechism questions with answers and proof texts from Scripture, First Bible Truths are more individual songs. So they add some additional wording to fill out the songs more than purely being a memory tool.  

The album contains 9 songs covering the first 21 questions of the First Catechism. If you're goal is to get the first few questions down or you want to review them, this is a great resource. 

These are only available as digital downloads. You can purchase it from either Amazon or Apple.

If you missed yesterday's post where I wrote about the general benefits of using music to learn the catechism, make sure you check it out as it applies to this album too!

Thanks for being an early reader of the blog! I plan to have a Resources tab up soon where I'll link all the best resources on one easy-to-find page.