His Mercies are New Every Morning (even when you're tired)

His Mercies are New Every Morning (even when you're tired)

I remember when Friday meant something. When you are in school, everything seems easier and you know you have a break coming (or maybe it seems easier because you know you have the break coming?). As a mom with little kids, Friday doesn’t feel that different. Life just keeps going...

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What A New Mom Really Needs From You - 27 ways to help!

What A New Mom Really Needs From You - 27 ways to help!

How many times have you said to a new mom, "Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!"? We often mean it very genuinely but just don't know what we could to to really help. I am still totally guilty of this so I put together the following list of ways that you could encourage and love your mom friends well when they are transitioning into a new life stage with a new baby (whether it's their first or their fifth)!

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A Look at Romans 12:12 - Biblical How-To For Tired Moms

A Look at Romans 12:12 - Biblical How-To For Tired Moms

Romans 12:12 - Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. (ESV)

As a young mom, this has been one of my favorite Bible verses. I love it because it is so short that it’s easy to keep memorized even when I’m exhausted and can’t remember what my kids had for breakfast when it's time to make lunch. I also love it because it contains such wise commands for everyone, but they seem to be especially particular to what I so often struggle with as a mom.

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Four Essential Things Moms Do To Thrive

Four Essential Things Moms Do To Thrive

When I was working full time (until my second child was born), I had grand visions of being so on top of everything if I ever became a stay-at-home mom. Now that I have three kids at home full time, I feel like I've made a little progress but (I really think) only because I've changed some of the ways I do things. Working outside the home or inside the home as a mom, there is always so much that has to get done and not enough hours in the day.  

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